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In chronological order, the models of the Forerunner are: 101, 201, 301, 205, 305, 50, 405, 60, 405CX, and 310XT. All models except the 101 include a way to upload training data to a personal computer and software, where a user can view a map of their run, see their progression over the course of the run in pace and altitude, and even apply the map of their run over a satellite image of the area. The 201 weighs 78 grams while the 205 weigh 77 grams. The 201 has a slightly larger screen and has a 15 hour battery life while the 205 has a 10 hour battery. The 301, 305, 50 and 405 models also record heart rate, which can be viewed on the map.

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我打關鍵字photoshop教學 找到書為photoshop cs中文版入門必做練習百例!

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a01.JPG     iGoogle新增小工具 有日期和時間,遊戲21點,台鐵火車時刻表查詢等...

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a02.JPG a03.JPG a04.JPG a05.JPG

分別查花蓮海洋公園,"花蓮海洋公園", title:花蓮海洋公園關鍵詞查詢  另一種是網站反向查詢 (site:網址)

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關於web2.0的服務個人應用,web 2.0重新強調網路被發明之初的「互動、參與和共享」精神 


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cs0701 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Jun 22 Mon 2009 16:02
  • 6/15

重新把機器人拆掉製作一個新的外型  用二個輪子讓它站立起來

再用光線感應器  讓機器人憑地面光線感應  經由移動<前後走>來保持平衡耶!

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  • Jun 22 Mon 2009 15:42
  • 5/25

今天上課跟上次一樣 (用C語言寫)

這次不只讓他前後左右移動 還加入收尋物品的動作

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  • Jun 21 Sun 2009 23:24
  • 5/11


功能跟以前一樣  但用C語法寫能夠更快速 更簡單來完成<達到一樣的目的>

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  • Jun 21 Sun 2009 10:01
  • 4/27


程式需要使用藍芽裝置系統來連結  機器人一方為發送端  一為接收端

cs0701 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

  • Apr 19 Sun 2009 20:20
  • 4/13

老師這次上課出的題目是讓機器人帶著球繞著寶特瓶轉一圈 然後回到出發點

球不能掉出來 也不可以卡死

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